Thursday, September 26, 2013

Review: Hasbro's Play-Doh Ice Cream Double Twister

This isn't the first play-doh in our household... These awesome doughs has been a part of our parenting style since our son was 4 years old. We want to show our kids that you can make anything out of nothing with the use of your imagination and that is why play-doh will always have a place in our play area. 

 Usual Price: S$ 19.90

1 Ice Cream Twister
2 Popsicle Mold
1 Ice Cream Toppings' Mold
2 Ice Cream Bowls
2 Ice Cream Cups
1 Ice Cream Scoop
4 Popsicle Sticks
1 Mini Pin
3 Cans of Play-Doh

When our daughter saw me holding this box, she couldn't contain herself and in just a second it was already in her chubby short arms. I'm thinking what she's thinking, "oh, this looks familiar, I think I've seen this before, you're gonna buy this Daddy". =) She loves watching play-doh demos in youtube but she didn't know that she can own every single product that they have, the reason why she couldn't let go of the box. Well, She held the box the entire time in the mall until we got home. Crazy right?

You can create different varieties of ice cream and popsicle using this play-doh set, the molds are also easy to use. However, we find the twister a bit hard to squeeze and also quite a challenge to clean (not a big deal). Overall, you and your kids can have hours of fun making and scooping ice cream.

Made these with my kids. =)

Happy Molding!