Drooling, irritated at all times, Munching toys, clothes, well as you can see... a laptop, are just few of the common signs of teething...
Many of us suffer sleepless night and the culprit is usually our litte one's close-to-erupt tooth. One of the worst night you can imagine is a screaming baby with a sleepy parent... Giving them a pain reliever can ease the pain, but are we sure we want to pinch our baby's tiny liver? We've set a rule in our home that no one can take any pain meds if you can still sleep with it and this rule also applies to our baby, a little sacrifice will pay off, after an hour of lulling her to sleep, we can finally shut our eyes and no harm done!
Quick tip: Before your baby got into the teething stage, manage to established a unique soothing technique (a song with a combination of massage/tap) which will calm and remind your baby that everything is going to be fine.
Have fun waking up at night! Happy mommying!